I WISH (The Garden)

I wish I could grow you a Garden
Free of all dangers and care
Would there were just such an Eden
I’d plant you as deep as I dare

No serpents to slink in the shadows
No birds to hunt from the air
Neither wolf nor a fox to unearth you
From your Garden so happy and fair

But no more is there such paradise
Would for us both that there were
Then I’d free you with easy delight

With Blessings all freed of the curse,


This world is all fang and all claw (kid)
So I teach you to sneak in the dark
To hide from the hungry great maw

That chews through your bones like a sark,

Stealth is the home you must now earn (learn)
If live on the Earth you might yet
If find any others like yourself
Then I hope it is quick and well-met

For I’d love to think of you thriving
Running and playing alive, but (still)
To live I must free you of myself, and
I hope you have learned to survive,

Though in this world I’ll likely

Never know.

Godspeed kid, I’ll miss you… Be Fruitful, and Multiply.

(a poem I wrote concerning the day I must release my field mouse back into the Wild. By the way I have turned the little field mouse I rescued into a literary character, Pooth, the mouse companion/animal familiar of the Wizard Alternaeus.)