Critique Partners or Groups

The Editor's Note (Redirect)

critique group
I’ve done it for sure. I’ve edited and tightened my manuscript until it shines. It has been lovingly and carefully submitted to the three agents I most wanted to work with. Unfortunately, all I have to show for it right now are saved emails with excellent advice and praise…but no contract. And it’s no one’s fault but my own.
I am disappointed in myself because I should have taken one major step (that I honestly thought I’d taken, but I’ll get to that later) that might have gotten me a yes from one of my desired agents, instead of the wonderful compliments and advice. I should have found a true critique partner.
I should have looked for someone within my genre of Adult, Christian Historical Fiction, focusing on someone looking for big-picture problems, not necessarily the nuances of writing. I should have found someone who reads books similar to the…

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